How To Report Abuse

hostingbangladesh takes all abuse complaints seriously, and we will make every effort to investigate each complaint submitted to us. Due to the volume of complaints, we may only respond back if we require more information from you.

Please be thorough when submitting an abuse complaint. To start our investigation, we require specific information depending on the type of abuse complaint. Select the type in the drop-down menu below and youll be prompted to fill out an abuse form.

Submit An Abuse Form
Spam is the use of sending unsolicited email messages, including advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly to the same website.

Please make sure hostingbangladesh is the web host before you submit a copyright complaint under this policy. If the domain is not under hostingbangladesh's web hosting, hostingbangladesh will not have the technical ability to remove or disable specific items of objectionable content. In such case, we suggest that you contact the website or the party hosting the website to have this matter properly resolved. You can find out who the web host is by pinging the domain name and finding out who controls that IP address.

General Information
Enter full name
Domain Name Involved
Enter Only one domain allowed
Enter the verification code